Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Keto Bark

Snickerdoodle Mini Cookies

Dark Chocolate Mint Bar

Fudge Brownies Keto Baking Mix

Black Pepper Crunchy Cheese

Dark Chocolate Thins with Sea Salt

Chocolate Pecan Clusters Fat Bombs

Keto Chocolate Krunch Bar

Spicy Dill Pork Rinds

What is this KetoKrate worth?

$ 46.88

Retail value of this month’s products

$ 51.00

Shipping cost for minimum order of each product to yourself

$ 28.60

Discount code savings of minimum order of each product

$ 126.48


No matter the value of KetoKrate, remember what’s truly valuable: You. Your commitment to yourself and your health is what motivates us to continually work on increasing the value we provide in KetoKrate.