Keto Thanksgiving Survival Guide

Keto Thanksgiving Survival Guide
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  • Keto Thanksgiving Survival Guide
  • happy thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and we all know what that means — sugar and carbs galore! But you don’t have to go off track and pack on the pounds to enjoy the holiday season. We’ve got you covered with tips and tricks to help you survive the Thanksgiving dinner temptations! (You’re on your own for surviving your crazy family!)

    Turkey is Keto!


    While most of the traditional foods can send you into a carb coma before the finale of the Thanksgiving Day Parade, not all foods have to be avoided. Let’s not forget that the star of the day — the turkey — is Keto friendly and delicious! You can load your plate with turkey for a satisfying and satiating anchor to your meal. Just skip the gravy, or keep it to a minimum, since most traditional recipes include flour. But turkey isn’t the only Keto-friendly food available at your average Thanksgiving table. Round out your plate with ham, deviled eggs, green beans, and other available low-starch vegetables.

    Replace “Oh No” with Keto!

    mashed cauliflower

    The increasing popularity of Keto means that you can find a Keto recipe for almost any non-Keto dish you’re trying to replace. You’re just a few Internet clicks away from your new favorite Keto Thanksgiving recipes! 

    • Cauliflower to the rescue

    Cauliflower is the master of masquerading as many different carb-heavy dishes, but the OG cauliflower mash really comes in handy on Thanksgiving Day! The formerly overlooked vegetable makes a very convincing mashed potato substitute. Add some butter and you won’t feel the need to take a bite of the real thing.

    • Zucchini is the apple of my pie

    Cauliflower isn’t the only vegetable with transformation skills! Zucchini is best known for its zoodle ability, but did you know it can also be a surprisingly persuasive apple replacement? Peel, chop, and simmer with apple pie spices, and you’ll have an apple substitute for Keto pies and crumbles at a fraction of the carb count!

    • Pumpkin spice everything!

    It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a pumpkin treat! Check out our Instagram (@ketokrate) for our Pumpkin Cheesecake recipe and keep Thanksgiving #basic AND #keto!

    Break with tradition

    Just because Thanksgiving usually includes certain traditional foods doesn’t mean you can’t think outside the box. Start new food traditions with your family that will leave you feeling and looking great!

    • A beautifully laid-out charcuterie board will feel festive and indulgent without any of the carb guilt.
    • Seasonings traditionally used for Thanksgiving stuffing (such as rosemary and thyme) also complement roasted vegetables! Top roasted broccoli or cauliflower with seasoned butter for a new take on an old favorite.
    • Use Outer Aisle Gourmet cauliflower thins for the infamous Thanksgiving leftovers sandwich!

    Reap the rewards!

    couple high fiving

    Giving in to those carby treats might sound tempting in the moment, but focus on how you’ll feel after the meal if you stick to your goals and make better choices. While everyone else is loosening their belts, you’ll be comfortable and satisfied!

    • That lack of carb fatigue will keep you feeling energetic, so you can be making meaningful memories with your family while Uncle Joe is dozing off in the recliner.
    • You’ll feel accomplished and empowered when you choose your long-term goals over instant gratification.
    • When you wake up on Friday morning, any enjoyment from eating those carbs will be long gone. But if you stick to your Keto goals, you’ll feel fit, healthy, and ready to take on those Black Friday shopping crowds!

    You’ve got this!

    It can feel daunting to stick to a healthy way of eating when the holidays arrive. But you can eat delicious food, make lasting memories, and enjoy the festive spirit without being scared of the number on the scale come January 1st. You can do it! We’ve got your back.


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